The Guide I Wish I had ________________________________________ I'm a big proponent of using all the built-in tools in Python. This mani- fests in weird ways: I like the http.server module; I abuse multipro- cessing.Manager; and I like using pure distutils. The latter gives me problems sometimes because no one seems to use it like I do. I often find myself getting lost in Python's lackluster documentation for this module trying to just find the name of the argument I need. It's starting to get a little silly how often and how long I spend on this problem. Of course, one solution to this problem is "just use an IDE with auto-comple- tion." Another is "just use setuptools which has better documentation." For various reasons, I prefer to use simpler editors and also to use standard library functions. To that end, this document is a consoli- dation of the things I'm usually looking for. It mostly serves as a reference for myself, but maybe it will be helpful to someone else. Before the document gets into the de- tails, here are some links that are helpful. API documentation for distu- tils.core.setup [0]: Official examples for distu- tils.core.setup [1]: List of valid classifier values [2]: API documentation for pkgutil.get_data [3]: The Simplest Script ________________________________________ If you are creating a package called MY- PACKAGE, your script would look like this. --------8<-------------------------------------------------------------- from distutils.core import setup setup( name='MYPACKAGE', version='0.1.0', packages=[ 'MYPACKAGE', ], ) -------->8-------------------------------------------------------------- You should have a directory called MY- PACKAGE with at least an file inside. --------8<-------------------------------------------------------------- / / /MYPACKAGE/ /MYPACKAGE/ -------->8-------------------------------------------------------------- Adding Dependencies ________________________________________ If you need certain dependencies to be installed, you can specify them with the requires keyword. In this example, we require at least version 2.20.0 of re- quests. --------8<-------------------------------------------------------------- from distutils.core import setup setup( name='MYPACKAGE', version='0.1.0', packages=[ 'MYPACKAGE', ], requires=[ 'requests>=2.20.0', ], ) -------->8-------------------------------------------------------------- Adding an Executable ________________________________________ Edit: Oops. This one does actually de- pend on setuptools. If you install the package with "pip install ." then it will automatically use setuptools for you, hence my confusion. Sometimes you aren't trying to just cre- ate a library but also need an actual executable. Somewhat confusingly, in distutils land, this is called an "entry point." If you want an executable called MYEXEC for the package MYPACKAGE, then you'll want this. --------8<-------------------------------------------------------------- # File: from distutils.core import setup setup( name='MYPACKAGE', version='0.1.0', packages=[ 'MYPACKAGE', ], entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'MYEXEC=MYPACKAGE.__main__:cli', ], }, ) -------->8-------------------------------------------------------------- You should have a script with a cli function inside. A simple script looks like: --------8<-------------------------------------------------------------- # File: from . import hello def main(name): print(f'The output of hello({name!r}) is {hello(name)!r}') def cli(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('name') args = vars(parser.parse_args()) main(**args) if __name__ == '__main__': cli() -------->8-------------------------------------------------------------- The corresponding might look like: --------8<-------------------------------------------------------------- # File: def hello(name): return name.upper() -------->8-------------------------------------------------------------- Now after you install the package, you can use MYEXEC as a normal script and pass it arguments like: MYEXEC George. The directory structure here is: --------8<-------------------------------------------------------------- / / /MYPACKAGE/ /MYPACKAGE/ /MYPACKAGE/ -------->8-------------------------------------------------------------- Changing the Package Directory ________________________________________ Sometimes you want to put your code in a different directory than Python expects. By default, Python wants MYPACKAGE to be located at ./MYPACKAGE, but you can change this to look at ./src/MYPACKAGE or any other directory instead. --------8<-------------------------------------------------------------- # File: from distutils.core import setup setup( name='MYPACKAGE', version='0.1.0', packages=[ 'MYPACKAGE', ], package_dir={ 'MYPACKAGE': 'src/MYPACKAGE', }, ) -------->8-------------------------------------------------------------- The directory structure now looks like: --------8<-------------------------------------------------------------- / / /src/ /src/MYPACKAGE/ /src/MYPACKAGE/ -------->8-------------------------------------------------------------- Including Extra Data Files ________________________________________ You may want to include some extra files with your package. For instance, I like to include an index.html page with my web server packages. --------8<-------------------------------------------------------------- # File: from distutils.core import setup setup( name='MYPACKAGE', version='0.1.0', packages=[ 'MYPACKAGE', ], package_data={ 'MYPACKAGE': [ 'static/*', ], }, ) -------->8-------------------------------------------------------------- Now any file in the static directory in your package will be included. --------8<-------------------------------------------------------------- / / /MYPACKAGE/ /MYPACKAGE/ /MYPACKAGE/static/ /MYPACKAGE/static/index.html -------->8-------------------------------------------------------------- To retrieve this file at runtime, you can use pkgutil.get_data --------8<-------------------------------------------------------------- # File: import pkgutil index_html = pkgutil.get_data('MYPACKAGE', 'static/index.html') print(type(index_html)) # => bytes -------->8-------------------------------------------------------------- A More Complete Script ________________________________________ There's lots of parameters, but I sus- pect that the ones that are most useful for actually distributing a package are as follows. --------8<-------------------------------------------------------------- # File: from distutils.core import setup long_description = """\ This is the long description for my package. It can be pretty long. You can either use reStructuredText or GitHub Flavored Markdown. """ setup( name='MYPACKAGE', version='0.1.0', description="One line description", long_description=long_description, author='John Smith', author_email='', url='', license='MIT', keywords=[ 'cool', 'useful', 'whatever', ], classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 1 - Planning', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8', ], packages=[ 'MYPACKAGE', ], requires=[ 'requests>=2.20.0', ], ) -------->8--------------------------------------------------------------